X 20 Jahre 2B


You can find useful hints to current questions in wine making plus further information around wine. Additionally we have created a library, that is constantly updated with literature and technical publications regarding selected topics in enology.

Language Title Description Download
Benefits of Certified Organic Yeast Supplements Wine Business Monthly / M. Hernandez - August 2023
Impact of yeast nutrition on quality parameters and longevity of wine - Abstract 2B FermControl GmbH - October 2022
Minimal Intervention Enology - Technical Article 2B FermControl GmbH - October 2022
What is minimal intervention winemaking? 2B FermControl GmbH - September 2022
Minimaleingriff - Ansatz der minimalistischen Kellerwirtschaft (Minimal Intervention) ddw Der Deutsche Weinbau 8. Juli 2022
How to manage a clean fermentation of Syrah 2B February 2022
Benefits of using ClearUp BIO under Powdery Mildew 2B Seasonal Quick Tip February 2022
Die magischen sieben Jahre ddw Der Deutsche Weinbau 11. Juni 2021
Hefe aus Breisach ist weltweit begehrt Badische Zeitung 20. April 2021
Klär- und Sterilfiltration – Was bei der Filtration von Weinen wichtig ist Der Winzer 01/2021 Januar 2021
The additive oenology is on the retreat September 2020
Die (ökologische) Kellerwirtschaft im Spiegel des Klimawandels - Antworten der Kellertechnik Der Winzer 07/2020
Juli 2020
Agentes de clarificación alternativos en la eliminiación de fenoles y otros componentes no deseados en el mosto y el vino. ONDARE abra magazine 20
Diciembre 2019
Säuerung. Praktische Vorteile einer kombinierten Säuerung mit L-Weinsäure und L-Äpfelsäure ddw Der deutsche Weinbau 13/2019
June 2019
Comparison of fermentation dynamic, efficiency, nitrogen uptake and sensory factors in wine depending on production methods of yeast ASEV National Conference
June 2019
Filtration: Der Zweck entscheidet ddw Der deutsche Weinbau /
November 2014
Neue Wege zum Optimum Das Deutsche Weinmagazin / 22./23.
Oktober 2004
BSA ohne laktische Noten? Das Deutsche Weinmagazin Heft 19-2005
Hefenzauber VINUM 3/2008
Flavour management by citric acid negative MLF starter cultures Wine Industry Technical conference 7/2010
Citratnegative BSA- Starterkulturen Das deutsche Weinmagazin 10/2010
MLF- flavor evolution by new MLF starter cultures 05/2011
Im Labortest: Alternative Schönungsmittel ddw Der Deutsche Weinbau
Biohefen: Chance für die Premium-Weinbereitung? ddw Der Deutsche Weinbau 08/2014
SO2-Management in der Weinbereitung. Praktische Lösungen mit Schwerpunkt auf Bio-Wein Der Winzer
Heft 71-2015
Organic yeast: a tool for premium wine production Grapegrower & Winemaker
02/2015 , Issue 63
Organic yeast WineLand Magazine 2016
New approach of pH adjustment, microbial stabilization and sensory harmony 2017
Alternative possibilities of wine fining Bachelor Thesis 2B FermControl
Alternative Möglichkeiten der Weinschönung Bachelor Thesis 2B FermControl
Contribution of yeast supplementation to fermentation dynamics and wine flavour Dipl.-Ing. (FH) C. Heinemeyer / Dr. Jürgen Sigler (2005)
Different methods of malolactic fermentation and their contribution to the wine flavour Dipl.-Ing. (FH) C. Heinemeyer / Jan Clair Nielsen (2005)

Language Title Download
01 AA Addition chart FermControl
02 AA Tartrate stabilization by contact method
03 AA ViniFilter Backwashing
04 AA Protocol for preparing new barrels
05 AA ClearUp I Removal of phenols and fatty acids
06 AA ClearUp II Removal of spray residues, smoke taint & other volatile phenols
07 AA Protocol for restarter yeast & Pied de Cuve
08 AA Protocol for tirage with VitiFerm BIO Esprit
09 AA Filtration basics for Wine
10 AA Considerations about different timing of MLF starter cultures
11 AA Protocol for restarter MLF & MLF Pied de Cuve
12 AA Checklist MLF
13 AA Checklist alcoholic fermentation
14 AA Cellar checklist Covid 19
15 AA Checklist: Fermentation control on the tank
16 AA Protocol for flotation
X 08 AA Sparkling Esprit short
Flavour profile of the MaloBacti™ MLF cultures
Activity-Window – Choosing the right MLF starter culture

Language Title Download
Product Flyer 2024
2B Product Brochure 2023

Product Flyer 2024
England/ USA

2B Product Brochure 2023
England/ USA

Product Flyer 2024
Australia/New Zealand

2B Product Brochure 2023
Australia/New Zealand
Product Flyer 2024
2B Product Brochure 2023
Product Flyer 2024
2B Product Brochure 2023
Product Flyer 2023
2B Product Brochure 2023
Product Flyer 2023
2B Product Brochure 2023
Product Flyer 2021
Czech Republic
2B Product Brochure 2021
Czech Republic
Product Flyer 2024
2B Product Brochure 2022
Product Flyer 2024
2B Product Brochure 2022
2B Product Flyer 2020
2B Product Brochure 2019
2B Product Brochure 2019
2B Product Brochure 2019

Language Title Download
01 ClearUp BIO - Alternatives, veganes Schönungsmittel für Most u. Wein
03 FermControl™ BIO - Gärmanagement 3.0
06 RePrise™ BIO - Aroma- und Farbschutz beim Weinausbau

01ClearUp BIO - Vegan Fining Tool for Juice and Wine
England/ USA

03 FermControl™ BIO - Fermentation Management 3.0
England/ USA

06 RePrise ™ BIO Aroma and Colour Protection during Wine Aging
England/ USA

01 ClearUp BIO - Vegan Fining Tool for Juice and Wine
Australia/ New Zealand

03 FermControl™ Fermentation Management 3.0
Australia/ New Zealand

06 RePrise ™ BIO Aroma and Colour Protection during Wine Aging
Australia/ New Zealand
01 ClearUp BIO - Veganes Agent de collage pour le moût et le vin
03 FermControl™ - Gestion de la fermentation 3.0
06 RePrise ™ - Protection des arômes et de la ouleur lors de l'Élevage du vin
01 ClearUp BIO - Ferramenta de clarifição (afinamento) vegana para mosto e vinho
03 FermControl™ BIO - Gestão de Fermentação 3.0
06 RePrise™ BIO - Proteção de aromas e cor durante envelhecimento do vinho
01 ClearUp BIO - Herramienta de clarificación (afinado) vegana y ecológica para mostos y Vino
03 FermControl™ BIO - Gestión de Fermentación 3.0
06 RePrise™ BIO - Protección de aroma y color durante la crianza del vino
01 ClearUp BIO - Strumento vegan multifunzionale per la chiarifica del mosto e del vino
03 FermControl™ BIO - Gestione della Fermentazione 3.0
06 RePrise™ BIO - Protezione dell'aroma e del colore dei vini durante l'affinamento

Language Title Link
2B FermControl Company Presentation May 2021
Activation process of VitiFerm™ BIO active yeasts by 2B FermControl
Potential sulfur (SO2) production by VitiFerm™ BIO active yeasts during fermentation.
FermControl™ BIO – Nutrition for optimal alcoholic and malolactic fermentation
ClearUp - The natural all-rounder for alternative fining and harmonisation of wines
RePrise™ BIO is an inactive yeast by 2B FermControl, suitable for wine maturation after alcoholic fermentation, as well for the treatment of aged wines.
Experience the Power of Nature in winemaking with organic certified active dry yeasts by 2B FermControl.
LESS IS MORE in sustainable winemaking. Organic certified fermentation solutions by 2B FermControl.
Experience the multiple properties of ClearUp BIO, and how it can improve the quality of your wines. This organic certified and vegan fining tool removes undesired phenols in juice and wine and is free of any micro plastic such as PVPP.
2B Solutions for fining and harmonisation of Wines
The 4-in-1 solution for an optimal fermentation